

Are you at risk of glaucoma?

Are you at risk of glaucoma?

Approximately one in eight Australians over the age of 80 are affected by glaucoma. It is important to be aware of the causes and signs of glaucoma to determine if you may be at risk. 

Glaucoma is an ocular disease where vision is slowly lost due to gradual damage to the optic nerve. There are a few different types of glaucoma but the end result is the same – permanent loss of peripheral vision.

Unfortunately, glaucoma can go undetected for a long time without any warning signs or symptoms. This often means a significant amount of irreversible damage has occurred because it occurs in the periphery.

Some glaucoma facts

  • 2 in 100 Australians will develop Glaucoma in their lifetime.
  • First degree relatives of people with glaucoma have an up to 10-fold increased risk of developing the disease.
  • Currently, about 50% of people with glaucoma remain undetected.

Causes of glaucoma

The most common form of glaucoma is called Open Angle Glaucoma (OAG). This is where the liquid inside the eye, fails to drain properly leading high intraocular pressure (IOP). This can then damage the optic nerve at the back of the eye.

Angle Closure Glaucoma (ACG) is where the drainage channels are constricted due to a narrowing of the pathway by the iris. The blockage of the outflow can either be chronic or occur suddenly. Acute angle closure causes a severe rise in the IOP which can result in pain, blurred vision, haloes around bright lights and headaches.

Normal Tension Glaucoma (NTG) is where damage to the optic nerve occurs resulting in the loss of peripheral vision. Strangely enough though, your eye pressure is usually measured to be within the normal range. So other factors such as family history, the appearance of the optic nerve, visual field tests and other factors play a role in determining the diagnosis.

Secondary Glaucoma is similar to OAG where there is an increase in IOP or damage to the optic nerve but the condition stems from another source such as the use of certain medications, cataracts, eye injuries or other ocular conditions.

Glaucoma signs and symptoms

In the early stages of glaucoma, typically there are no signs or symptoms. Once the disease has progressed to cause a significant amount of peripheral visual field loss, then you may know you have been affected. People often describe the effects of late-stage glaucoma as having tunnel vision.

Prevention and treatment

Unfortunately, there are no treatments to reverse the damage that has been done due to your eyes from glaucoma. Treatment can assist in slowing down or stopping additional vision loss if glaucoma is detected. The treatment options will vary depending on the form of glaucoma, lifestyle of the patient, and many other factors. The main options will be either eye drops, laser treatment, surgery or a combination of these treatments. Prevention is the best treatment when it comes to glaucoma. Regular check-ups with your optometrist can ensure any eye condition you may have is detected and treated promptly.


Read our 10 eye facts for JULEYE to read more about things you should know about your eyes.


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