

How home decorating can positively benefit your mental wellbeing

How home decorating can positively benefit your mental wellbeing

Home decorating can positively benefit your mental wellbeing in many ways. Having a personalised and welcoming space transforms wherever you live from a house to a home. This is very important if you have recently moved into a retirement village or had a change of scenery. Colours and pattern are said to have a direct link to our emotions, and therefore our mental wellbeing. Learning how to creatively include colour and pattern into our home décor can positively impact our mental wellbeing while creating an inviting space that we want to be a part of.


While not everybody has the option to paint walls and change colours drastically in their home decorating adventures, there are still ways to incorporate colours to brighten spirits in your home. The kind of colours you incorporate can also have a direct impact on your mental wellbeing and state. Certain colours have been proven to promote positive feelings, while others are tied to negative ones. Here are some colour suggestions and what feelings they are linked to.

1.     Yellow

Yellow is strongly linked to feelings of happiness and cheerfulness. While not everybody is a huge fan of decorating in the colour yellow, it can be great to use for pops of bright colour. Try incorporating it in your home decorating through paintings, vases, pillows, or even fresh sunflowers!

2.     Light blue

Usually associated with the sky, light blue is said to evoke feelings of calm and rejuvenation. This can be a great colour to have in your bedroom to promote calm before sleep, or in a home study to promote a clear mind and rejuvenation. Blue is a lovely option for wall colours, but if this is not an option, it can be included through many other avenues. Try adding light blue throws or pillows into your space, or décor and linen in your bathroom to create a safe and calm space!

3.     Lavender

Much like its herbal counterpart, lavender is strongly associated with feelings of calm, relaxation, and retreat. Using the colour lavender in your home decorating will promote these feelings and positively benefit your mental wellbeing. This is another colour that is wonderful when included in your bedroom. Another great alternative to this is including lavender towels or decorations in your bathroom to create an oasis where you feel you can unwind.

4.     Green

A lighter apple-like green is said to evoke feelings of motivation and energy. Much like yellow, this tends to be a colour that people are less likely to want to include in their home decorating. With that in mind, green can be a great addition in small doses or as a pop of colour. One of the most popular options for including green is in your kitchen. Generally, the kitchen is one of the first places we visit in the morning while we make breakfast. Having green in this space can boost optimism and motivation and set us up for a wonderful day ahead!

Other ways to include colour

Duvet covers

We all know the exciting and fresh feeling when you buy a new duvet cover, and your bedroom seems to transform. This is such a great way to include colour in your home decorating and improve mental wellbeing. A bedroom doesn’t just have to be a place you sleep in, it can also be inviting and a space you love! Your colourful duvet cover will be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night, setting your day off to a great start before you even step out of bed.

Paintings and photographs

Art can have a profound impact on our mental wellbeing. Some studies have shown that viewing and creating art reduces cortisol levels (which are our markers for stress). Having art that you love to look at around the home will create an inviting space that you want to be a part of. Picking this art in some of the previously mentioned positive colours is also another great idea for your mental wellbeing. Furthermore, simply having photographs and images that you love around the home can be great for improving our mood-regardless of their colour! This could be designs and images of places you love, or simply friends, family, and loved ones.

The most important thing to remember when decorating your home is that it is YOUR home. Decorating it how you would like is the most important step. If there is a colour that you like, include it! If you like a certain pattern, include it! Having your home being a space that you love and want to be a part of is the first step of using home decorating to improve your mental wellbeing.


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