

How to get the most out of community living

How to get the most out of community living

Moving from your own home into community living can take some adjustment. While it’s natural to feel nervous and unsure about leaving the familiarity of your own home behind, many Seasons residents report that a whole new world opens up for them once they’ve made the transition to their new home.

Seniors’ community living offers many benefits for older people, including access to lifestyle and social opportunities that they may not have had in their own home. There’s also the added care and support that comes from living with like-minded people and peace of mind of no longer worrying about home and garden maintenance.

Getting the most out of community living can involve making some changes to your everyday life and establishing new routines to help you make the most out of your new life.

Here are our top tips to get the most out of your move to community living.

Get involved

There will be a lot of activities happening outside the walls of your new apartment. When you move in, get to know the events on your activity calendar. Try a range of activities to see what you enjoy. Not only will your day fill up, but you’ll also be more likely to meet like-minded new friends.

At Seasons, we encourage our residents to Be Active and take advantage of all of our onsite amenities and lifestyle programs.

Enjoy a hobby

Having some downtime within the comfort of your own private apartment becomes more enjoyable when you have a hobby to help pass the time. If there was a hobby you enjoyed doing before you moved, be sure to continue to explore doing that activity as part of your new routine.

Many residents at Seasons have projects that they work on together such as knitting or crocheting. While there’s others that spend the time exploring their creative side by writing, playing music and painting. There are many keen readers and jigsaw puzzlers too, which can all be accessed from Seasons libraries.

Make new friends

It won’t be long before you find yourself with a whole group of new friends. Introducing yourself to your new neighbours is a fantastic way to meet some new people. Not only will you find your fellow residents to be a friendly bunch, but staff know all our residents well enough to get residents together who have a lot in common.

Explore the great outdoors

All Seasons communities have beautiful garden surrounds with walking tracks and seating areas where you can get out and enjoy the fresh air and the view. Getting out each day is a great way to get some exercise and get to know your community.



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