

Finding love again

Finding love again

While finding love again can sound incredibly daunting for many, the important thing to remember is your happiness.

It was always going to happen one day, you might have joked about it … “if I go first make sure you look after my veggie garden”. You spent the last 40, 50 or 60 years or however many years with the love of your life, and he or she has passed on or you’re no longer together.

Fast forward a year or two and you find yourself alone, without a significant other and you come to the realisation that you are lonely.

Many seniors who have experienced long and happy marriages assume they will never consider a new relationship when they first lose their loved one. However given time and healing, you may find yourself wanting to be involved in a new relationship and to have some companionship.

It’s important to remember that this is both perfectly normal and healthy. If the partner we lost loved and cared for us, they would want us to live out the rest of our life happy.

Don’t be afraid

After all these are your golden years and you deserve to live them out alongside good company! Your friends and family may be surprised, but more often than not they will be supportive of you putting yourself out there for love. Continue to remind yourself this is your life, and you have a right to be happy.

Trust your instincts

You’ve known yourself long enough to know if something doesn’t feel right. If you don’t feel comfortable, happy or right about a situation or person, that is OK and you can move on knowing you gave it a go.

Where do I even begin

There are many places to find new love or even friendship. Think about the places you visit regularly such as your local RSL or Bowls Club. Have you always wanted to try out a new hobby but never have? Now might be the time to join a class or a social group for this.

Additionally, there are a number of online dating sites and applications dedicated to the over 50s and 60s and beyond. Even though this might sound scary, many seniors have successfully found love through these platforms. We have included the links for some below:


We wish you all the best with your search for finding love again.


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