

Health benefits of pets for seniors

Health benefits of pets for seniors

A pet can be a wonderful companion, particularly as we age. Pet ownership comes with responsibilities and these responsibilities can be extremely beneficial to the elderly. Here we look at the health benefits of pets for seniors.

We discuss the benefits of pet ownership, particularly when transitioning into a seniors living community, like Seasons.


A familiar face in the form of a pet can be comforting and reassuring when moving into a new home. A brand new companion can also bring joy and happiness to a new place. A dog or cat can be a huge comfort for anyone of any age.


While a pet does require some work, this can be beneficial to an ageing population. Pets can help shape structure and give purpose to daily life. A pet will help to create routine like daily exercise, meal times etc.


An obvious health benefit of having a pet, is exercise. We can all benefit from regular exercise. Having a pet like a dog can encourage small but regular walks on a daily basis, helping increase heart health and overall fitness.


It’s been found that seniors with pets actually experience less stress than their pet-free counterparts. Stroking pets can increases levels of serotonin and dopamine – the “happy hormones” – while keeping blood pressure low.


At Seasons, we pride ourselves on our secure and safe facilities but having a pet around can help bolster that sense of security, giving peace of mind in the home.

Making new friends

With a pet by your side, particularly a pet that requires regular exercise can help not only form routines but friendships too. Communal walks with other pet owners are a common activity for the older generation and pets can provide that icebreaker into a lasting friendship.

Getting out

It can be a struggle to find the motivation to leave the home sometimes, even if there are plenty of activities to enjoy. A pet that requires walking can encourage regular outings.


For more information about pets and Seasons Communities, enquire online or call us on 1300 732 766 today.


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